Content Management (CMS)
Keeping it all manageable...
A content management system is software that
keeps track of every piece of content on your
Web site. Content can be simple text, photos,
music, video, documents, or just about anything
you can think of. A major advantage of using a
CMS is that it requires almost no technical
knowledge to manage.
- Easy to use and requires little
technical savvy
- Allows for management from many
geographic areas - all that is needed is web
- Integrate design and template structure
- Ability to create workflows
- Single click integration of Web 2.0
functionality such as wikis, blogs,
discussions, RSS and more
- Open source code limits need for
licensing fees and cost recovery pricing
- Open source code has large user and
customer base, low-cost add-on modules,
extensive support network
- Branded, customized
- Built off the DotNetNuke open source
- Templates created using stylesheets and
advanced layout coding allowing for ability
to update design
- Drag and drop modules allow for single
click installation and setup of
- Complete file management system
- Recycling bin allows users to restore
content, modules or pages to previous
- Banner advertisement systems that allow
managed banner placement and revenue
- Complete suite of Web 2.0 functionality
such as blogs, wikis, file share, and more
- Online calendars and event view modules
- News and announcement modules display
latest internal and external news
- Complete ecommerce and storefront
- Manage vendors and affiliates through
built in member manager
Large user community with 1000's of
additional modules available for download